Monday 2 March 2015

Through the eyes of children

               Oftentimes, adults are too busy with obligations and commitments to express themselves creatively. Given our current socio-economic condition, it comes as no surprise that we are so focused on making a living that we do not appreciate the beauty or wonder around us. However, children have ample time and innate curiosity to observe the world around them. As such, they tend to observe, copy and emulate things they have seen, capturing their beauty with either words, plays, pictures or arts and crafts.

              The artwork produced by children who have yet to be preoccupied with everyday concerns can be downright breathtaking. Not only do they encompass all forms of beauty, be it natural or man made, but also a sense of purity. When we adults look at them, it gives us, however small a sense, of returning to our childhood to bring back all those lost memories.

My personal favourites of artwork by children are below. These pictures were collected from a recently concluded online contest by my employer. To me, these pictures are both amazing works of art, as well as memory made tangible. Without further ado, the pictures that amazed and inspired me.

Kindergaten Category (Ages <6)
The winner of the kindergarten category went to this "spiderbug". Children often look up to heroes because they don't do what is easy, but do what is right. I'm pretty sure that most children have dreams of being a superhero one day, and to save they world. However, you don't need to be Spiderman or Superman to save the world. Simply reducing energy consumption and recycling waste products or using biodegradable ones will be helping the environment, and in a small sense, saving the world.
                      "I believe there's a hero in all of us" - May Parker, Spiderman 2 (2004)

Second place went to this cute little 2015 bug. Aside from being absolutely adorable, it also bears a greeting and a wish for the new year. 2014 has been a terrible year all across the world, with problems piling up and no end in sight. Terrorism, economic meltdown, natural disasters and having so many planes drop out of the sky. Let us hope that this cute bug can be the herald of a better, brighter year ahead.

Third place goes to this turtle, who, can you believe it or not, was painted by a THREE YEAR OLD! Amazing, isn't it? A paint scheme that suggested the turtle camouflaging itself in the ocean. Such a wonderful combination of background and painting skills. Perhaps the part that I like the most about this picture is the hand print on the turtle's back. Before I explain why though, I would like to tell you all a little story.
"A man approached a king and exclaimed that how fortunate the king was to have all the wealth, power and luxury. The king offered to switch chairs with the man. Only when the man sat down did he realise there was a giant sword hanging about the king's throne, held there by a single horse tail hair. The man begged to be allowed to leave the king's throne, realising that with great fortune and power also comes great responsibility"
That was the story of the Sword of Damocles. Why did I bring it up? Because we humans, as a species, have all the wealth, luxury and fortunes of this planet. The hand print on the turtle's back reminds me of our ultimate responsibility to each other, all the living things and the world itself.

Lower Primary (Ages 7-9)
A wonderfully painted turtle with a beach background theme. The head is even heading towards the water. A wonderful colour combination by this young painter. The dark spots on the turtle even corresponds to a certain species of turtle, though I have not been able to identify it. Any turtle experts here to advise?

An extremely creative interpretation of the common frog. I am unable to interpret much meaning from this particular animal, but I choose it  because of its vibrant colours and skin markings, some of which actually do happen in the natural world.

A brightly coloured bunny munching on an equally brightly coloured carrot. Extra points for giving the bunny a flowery wreath around the head, Japanese anime eyes and details around the ears. (The logo of my employers company on the bunny's body is totally coincidental XD)

Upper Primary (Ages 9-12)
Once again, a beautifully coloured turtle takes top spot. Once again, I am unable to identify the species of turtle used as inspiration for this particular work of art. The skill of this child to paint this price to near life likeness is amazing, something far beyond my ability. Maybe I need a teacher :p

A happy ladybug takes 2nd spot. Well painted eyes, clear outlines and creative colour combination goes to make this ladybug a real attraction. The hearts on the sides and back also deserve praise for their intricacies. (Once again, the company logo on the back is entirely coincidental XD)

A pink seahorse! No prizes for guessing whether it was a boy or girl who painted it. XD. I chose this because of its attention to detail. The markings all along the fins to the back, dot patterns in the front, wavy signs all along the back, markings near the snout and a little heart at the tip of the tail all contribute to making this seahorse a "must see horse".

Secondary (Ages 12-18)
 This piece was so amazingly close to the original that I initially thought it was a photograph of a race car. Lay it side by side with an actual Formula 1 car and you'll barely notice the difference. Even the stickers on the actual vehicle is replicated in exquisite detail. The only thing that's missing is me in the driver's seat. XD

Another happy bunny, and this one even appears to be wearing clothes. Nicely painted eyes, realistic carrot, headband with ribbon, detail around ears, a beaded necklace and purple polka dot bunny pants.

A stingray painted with waves and flow patterns that harken back to the early days of Chinese art. The swirl patterns, colour schemes and details, especially on the fins and alone the tail makes it one amazing piece.

 For the complete list of winners, please have a look at the following albums.

Lower Primary

Upper Primary


That's all, have a nice day. :)

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